10 actions to complete before the end of the year
- Touch as many of your customers/referral partners as you can. Best in person, second by phone, third by snail mail, fourth by e-card.
- Review your Vision Based Business Plan and set your 2020 goals in writing. Be specific and make them realistic.
- Finalize your personal and business budget for next year.
- Detail your marketing plan for next year; set weekly and monthly goals that will allow you to reach your 2020 goals.
- Commit to use the Accountability Tracker every week during 2020.
- Select a charity to support both financially and by being personally involved.
- Set up a customer/prospect relationship management system.
- Make room in your daily schedule for a minimum of 30 minutes for some type of physical exercise.
- Organize your internal operations and the Delivery of your Promise.
- Allocate time for your family, yourself and your spiritual growth; be specific in your details.
Be aware that:
- Creating this list may be difficult; it may require you to do some thinking and to spend time away from the holiday festivities.
- You will have to fight the evil of procrastination.
- Without a support person/team (other than family) it will be very difficult to make this list a reality.
Support is available now:
- Complete this to do list and commit to participating in the BizQuack 2020 Success program. My promise is that you can make 2020 your best all-around year ever.
- Remember, success is a choice and it’s up to you to choose it.
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