Is Your Story Making an Impact?
Is your story compelling? Are you telling a story that you believe is awesome without knowing for sure?
Try this test with ten people you know and trust!
- Set up a meeting with each of the ten.
- Share your story and vision with them.
- Talk about your value proposition and demonstrate your product/service.
- THE ASK: Ask them to help. It’s not always easy, however, these are people you know and trust. People DO want to help! Tell them what you hope to acomplish with their help in the next two weeks. Ask for them to tell others about your story, product, or service.
☑ Are you getting referrals or inquiries from their help? Looks like you are on the right
track and they shared your info or referred you. Way to go!
☒ Crickets? Don’t be discouraged! Tweak and keep tweaking your story. Work on
creating a “compelling” presentation and try again with the ten, or a new ten. Don’t
give up!
What you ask of your ten “people” may be something as simple as asking them to get their friends to subscribe to your newsletter. It could be more dynamic by asking them to set up an appointment with someone that would be interested in learning more about your product/service. Give some thought as to the action item you will be asking for.
By hoping that your message resonates with others you may keep repeating the same message and wonder why your business isn’t growing. The magic word is traction, and your “ten” trusted friends will provide an easy way for you to measure the “traction” of your marketing effort.
This is a simple and very effective and worthwhile marketing exercise which can save both time and money and help your business grow.
Advice and tips by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, and founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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