Having a big vision is the key ingredient necessary to growing a successful business. As you can see from our new landing page, BizQuack is a community for those business owners that want to Take Their Businesses to New Heights.
I recently ran across a definition of Entrepreneurship: “The pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.” Yesterday our blog featured over 30 words which are found in the vocabulary of successful business owners and entrepreneurs. Just as I look at these words every day to remind me to keep a positive attitude, I ask you to try doing the same thing.
Take a look at your vision. If you followed the session in our education section and your vision is truly limitless without regard to time and money, then you are on the right track. The next part is to believe in your vision, be excited by it, and take a step everyday that will get you closer to achieving your dream. Print out your vision statement and place it next to the vocabulary sheet.
All the obstacles that you think exist and are keeping you from reaching your vision will disappear if you stay grounded and focus on taking three small steps, every day, towards your vision.
Will Rogers said: “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Reaching a vision requires a lot of ongoing action; don’t ever put off taking a step towards your vision for fear that it is in the wrong direction. The secret is to never lower your vision but to increase your action.
I am a believer in fast tracking a business. If you are passionate and committed to your vision, then devote every available moment to fulfilling your dream.
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