Amazing results can be obtained if there is a laser like focus on one issue.
I hope that by now each of you have selected the most important goal you want to achieve in 2018. This goal is one that will get you closer to your vision. Write down your primary goal for 2018 and make enough copies to have one on your desk; one on your night stand and one to carry with you. Next, make this goal the screen saver on your smart phone and on your computer. I hope you are getting the message 🙂 .
2018 has to be all about focus and the development and implementation of an action plan that is dedicated to reaching your goal. All action plans have to be validated and changed if necessary, but don’t become impatient if your results are not instantaneous.
Yes, we all have to continue working on our base which provides the income necessary to take care of our families and to cover business expenses. The challenge is to continue working in that arena, but to manage your time so you can implement your action growth plan.
The action plan itself does not have to be complicated; it only has to be one that takes a step forward every day. With every goal, there are a multitude of possible plans of action. The secret is to make a list of all the possible actions that can be taken and then to prioritize them. Start with number one and add others as time allows.
As an example, if your goal requires you to reach out  to a large number of people on a continuous basis, then you may have your various data bases, your social media, your blog, etc. These “reach-outs” may be a subset of your primary action step.
Take this time before the 1st of the year and make sure you are ready to go full speed.
As always, BizQuack is always available for support.
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