If you have started a small business then you already have one of the secret ingredients necessary for success and that is courage. I call it G.U.T.S. (Gods Undeniable Terrific Secret).
Asking small business owners what the hardest job is in your company, the answer I most often get is making a call, either in person or on the phone, to ask for business. Many business owners have gone into hiding; hiding behind a web page, an advertisement, an e-mail or a direct mail piece.
Another method of hiding is finding non-productive busy work that is moved to the top of the importance ladder.
Personally connecting with prospects is a necessary step in order to achieve your dreams. There are a few things one can do to prepare for personal contact that will make the connection easier. First is knowing the benefits that your product or service has and to be comfortable talking about them. And second, identifying the target market that needs those benefits.
The rest of the process is much like the first time you rode a bike. You may have fallen several times, but as long as you get up and try again, you eventually learned how to ride. Perhaps someone held the bike to get you started; consider asking someone to go with you on a personal sales call.
Courage to connect is a growth process. Every time you make a call you gain more confidence. The second call will be easier and so will each subsequent call. Don’t procrastinate, muster up the courage to make a connection today.
“Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne
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