What to do with all the cards that I have collected and now sit in a drawer in my desk? I don’t remember who gave me the cards, but somewhere along the line I must have met them and exchanged cards. email marketing
A few days ago we started inputing the cards into Constant Contact and so far we have a little over 300 new e-mails in a contact database. Today I sent out a letter telling these contacts what I am doing and how they can help. I had doubts as to my “open rate” (the number of people that would take the time to open an e-mail).
I felt that the subject line would be a critical factor in getting my e-mails opened, so I tried to be as creative as possible. In the first 30 minutes after sending we achieved 80 openings which is 25% of the total e-mails we sent out. I will continue to monitor the statistics, but the early results convinced me that there is merit to an e-mail marketing campaign.
Since I am a great believer in having at least 8 touches before I can expect any sales results, I will continue with an e-mail to this group every week. Since I still have business cards in my collection that we have not added to the list, I plan to have at least another 100 cards added before my next mailing is sent.
The reason for my story is to get you to find all the business cards you have sitting in a desk drawer and to reach out to them with some new information about what you are currently doing, and the difference you are making in the lives of others.
The two most popular e-mail services are Mail Chimp (which I believe is free) and Constant Contact. Both of these services can be used for newsletters as well as direct e-mail marketing. Getting your name out and sharing your story is an important part of growing your business. The statics will help guide you as you change your subject line and the content of your e-mail.
Email marketing will only cost you your time, and it can be a very effective marketing tool. Contrary to what others are saying, email can still be a very powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, and Founder of StrategicDuck and BizQuack
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