Part of our job at BizQuack is to continuously be on the lookout for new ideas that will help grow your business. This basic concept is powerful when presented either online or in person.
Selling your idea to your target market has to be Emotionally Compelling
This suggestion is based on two simple premises:
First: What is your Primary Promise? What service or product are you promising to deliver to your target market that will change their lives? In most cases, whatever your promise may be, it has already been promised to your target market, and not delivered. This creates an “I don’t believe or trust you” attitude in the mind of your target market.
Second: Your message must convey to your target market that they can experience your promise through your Unique Mechanism. This is the emotional part, where your target market thinks that maybe, just maybe, this time the promise will be delivered. Your Unique Mechanism, which I call the delivery method or the bringing to reality the promise, is a trust building component. It’s unique because no-one else is presenting the fulfillment of the promise the same way.
While this concept may appear simple, there is a lot of work involved in the development and presentation to your target market. The main part in the development process is to keep this entire presentation as short and simple as possible. When your message is viewed on line it will generate only a seven or eight second look from a prospect. In that time, both the Primary Promise and Unique Mechanism have to be seen and believed.
I personally have bought into this concept and am adopting it in our new marketing platform.
Please call or text me with questions. There is a possibility that we will offer a future class on this subject.
“Commitment is what turns a promise into reality.” Abraham Lincoln
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