The Tuesday Challenge is an integral part of the BizQuack process. Experience has shown that many small business owners spend very little time working on their businesses. It is so easy to focus on action items with the hope of producing immediate results. Consequently, the foundation building process is overlooked, and the lack of a foundation may cause cracks with the possibility of a total collapse.
Very seldom does a Tuesday challenge produce immediate gratification; it’s the “behind the scene” work that is necessary to grow a successful and sustainable business.
Your challenge today is to take time to scroll through as many Tuesday Challenges as you can; making notes on those that you feel need to be worked on. When you have found at least three of them, prioritize them as to the future benefits that they will provide, once the challenge is mastered.
Your challenge is to embrace that one important “working on your business” blog and make a commitment to incorporate as part of your business.
Sometimes a short challenge can be the most meaningful, and at the same time, the hardest one to implement.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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