Minds need exercise! Like any other “muscle” in your body exercise is the key to gaining strength. In the case of your mind, exercise will yield new creative ideas which you can incorporate into your business.
Generate new business through daily brainstorming!
All of you have received a BizQuack Idea Book (if I haven’t given you one, please let me know and I will get it to you). The intent of this blank idea book was for you to always have it with you and as an idea came to you, to write it down.
I am going to ask you to carry this concept to another level. Starting today, make it a goal to write at least 5 ideas daily. It works best if you select a set time, morning when you are fresh is great, and spend as much time as it takes to come up with your five ideas for the day. As you practice this exercise you will notice that your mind, like other muscles when exercised, can perform better and many more than the 5 ideas will come to you in a relatively short time.
This exercise, when it becomes an established habit, will also create a new enthusiasm for your business and in most cases results in a surge in business growth.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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