Let me begin with my definition of the “flowers” which each of us can enjoy. They include people with a positive mindset as well as small business owners who are and act optimistically about the future of their businesses.
It seems we are inbreeding ourselves to expect bad things to happen. The media jumps from one negative happening to another, making it appear as if everyone and everything is bad and the future looks even worse.
There is a power struggle among politicians in our own country where they are much more concerned about themselves than the people who elected them. The people are also at fault because they keep re-electing them.
On the world scene, countries are out to dominate instead of taking an inward look to make their own country better. Again, it is an issue with power in the hands of a few and the intimidation they impose on their constituents.
I see the original work ethic that was the foundation of our great country rapidly disappearing. Too many people are looking for more pay for less work or a handout so that they can enjoy the goods which, in many cases, lead to more negative indoctrination.
As family members and small business owners we hold the future in our hands. We have the opportunity to spread the good news about the opportunities that exist for everyone who is willing to work for it. I define success for a working person, either employed or working for themselves, as having the time to spend with their families, the time to teach their children good work ethics and concern for other people. It means having a home that is warm in the winter and provides adequate shelter for the family. It includes having food on the table and enough retirement funds to enjoy those special years.
It’s not about having the biggest house or the most expensive car; remember, you can’t take it with you when you leave this life.
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