If you are like most people and you become familiar with the streets near your home and business, you probably travel the same streets every day. Likewise, you know the names of most of the business in your immediate area. You also know the way to the airport, shopping centers and movie houses.
There is another world in addition to your comfort travel zone. In the metro Phoenix area growth is exploding in all directions. Your challenge for this Tuesday is to divide your metro area into four quadrants and take four half days and “get lost” in each of the quadrants.
There are benefits to this exercise:
➽ You will get to know your metro area
➽ You will learn about new businesses moving in
➽ You will be amazed at all you did not know about what is happening
➽ You will be both excited and inspired with the many business possibilities you are discovering
Are you running your business in a “comfort zone”? Have you failed to reach out to the outer limits of your business growth possibilities? This exercise may be one of the best ways to stimulate your mind as you get ready to start the New Year.
Yes, you are giving up some of your time, but it’s important to occasionally reach out of your comfort zone in everything you do. I read the Business Journal every week; new commercial and residential happenings are spelled out, but there is nothing like physically seeing the growth in person.
Challenges are never easy. You have to decide where you are going and how you plan to get there. If you know that you are maximizing your bottom line and if it gets better every year, congratulations.
If you are not, you have to make some tough decisions. Are you willing to take the initiative or are you going to do what you have always done and expect different results?
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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