There are a lot of answers to the question, “What is the single most important thing I can do to grow my business?” I can think of many answers including; marketing, establishing budgets, having office systems and procedures, having a workable business plan, etc. All these and many more can be found in a successful growth business, but in my opinion and experience, profitability and sustainability in a business comes when you help others achieve success.
This is not always an easy undertaking, but like any other worthwhile endeavor, perseverance is the key. As an example, this evening I had a request to connect with someone on LinkedIn. I read his profile and then sent a message saying that I thought we might be able to do some work together and could we set a time for coffee. He read my profile and something in it caused him to request a connection. I was impressed with his information and hope he accepts my invitation.
Giving to others, helping them, has to be a sincere calling on your part. The “getting back” will come in due time when you least expect it. I find it easier to connect with people when I offer help. By building a trust relationship word of mouth referrals take place; and as I have emphasized in the last few blogs, that is the most powerful marketing tool that anyone can use.
It may be hard to ask for help but it is easy to offer help. The following are places that you can offer your “help services”; your place of worship; a civic organization; a charity; chamber of commerce; small business organizations; in your social media, and one that I like is my data base. Each of us has unique strengths; identify yours and put them to use.
There is another side to this story: When someone offers to help you, it is very important that you accept the offer. Don’t be too proud to accept a kindness; business growth is always a give and take proposition.
Small business success comes when you help others succeed.
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