To get the most we possibly can out of our lives and our relationships, we have to take responsibility for making something happen. We have to ask for action from the other person. This quote from a book by Stephan Schiffman has to be one of the guide posts for all small business owners.
If you just pulled out your calendar for the next 30 days and found that you don’t have any quality appointments or you have more than 50 % of the days with an empty schedule or non-productive work, then you have a serious problem.
The most successful small business owners I know are those who have made a habit of taking the initiative in their business relationships.
At BizQuack we advocate a vision-based business action plan. That means that your vision should always be at the forefront of everything you do. It also means that you don’t allow yourself to get sidetracked with busy work.
The best tool to help you reach your vision is your Accountability Tracker™; you can print a copy from the Tuesday Challenge section. If you don’t have a “next step” in your daily pursuit of your vision, then that is exactly where you will end up, nowhere. This simple tool is so very powerful, that I can promise a positive change in your business life if you use it for a period of 15 weeks. Self-discipline is a requirement for success, but you can help that along by having someone walk the 15 week period with you. Someone that you can call at least once a week to report on your progress and even better if you can touch base more often, daily if possible.
You have to be on “fire” as you share your vision with others and as you reach each daily goal. Your belief and your enthusiasm is what are going to help propel you to success.
BizQuack is all about community support, but to get the support you must first reach out and ask. If you want to be part of a small peer group for the next 15 weeks please let me know. If we can get at least 6 people who are willing to make a commitment, we will start such a group to support each other and to be accountable to each other and ourselves.
As always please remember that success is a choice mixed with a lot of hard work.
Advice and tips by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, and founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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