In order to survive every small business must find a consistent infusion of new customers. At some point in time someone has to sell something in order for the business to grow and prosper. For the purpose of this article we will name that someone the “prospector,” and yes, that role in small business is most often delegated to the owner.
To be successful, to generate your own leads, will require you step out of your comfort zone and often do things that result in rejection and even failure.
Generating new leads is, what I consider to be, the most difficult part of the marketing process. It requires an ability to manage your time, attitude and emotions. A prospector is responsible for finding prospects and developing them into customers.
Often the difference between the success and failure of a small business is directly correlated to the amount of action (effort) that is dedicated to the prospecting process.
There are several rules that apply to an owner who wants to succeed:
- First and foremost is the realization that if a business is to grow, it is up to the owner to make it happen.
- The development of new customers is critical to business growth and the amount of work required to produce the desired results will be 10 times harder than originally planned.
- Persistence and follow-up are two key attributes that must be followed. Instant success is not a likely scenario.
- The selection and validation of a target market is a must. Not everyone will be a project for your business, thus recognizing who has the potential to be a customer is important.
- Last but not least is the need to overcome the reluctance to reach out to the necessary connections.
A small business owner has to be a “salesperson” first and foremost in order to deliver the promises that his vision has to offer.
Tips and Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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