Every profession has to re-think its marketing process according to the changes that have taken place in the real world and also in the mindset of their target market.
I am going to use the Real Estate Profession as an example. First, let’s create a list of the changes, consumer desires and needs, and possible trends that will affect all of us, and then see how it applies to Real Estate: (This is only a partial list to demonstrate my point).
- Concern for safety.
- Financial security
- Possibility of continued quarantine
- More people will be working from home
- Room to keep active and the kids entertained
- Remote learning
- More online shopping
- More home delivery of necessities
- More use of takeout meals
- Rising home cost such as utilities and taxes
Each of these ten issues will help define the type of home, the size of the lot, the location of the home and the cost of the home that is presented to a prospect. Knowing this fact will also help present a new listing to the market. Homes that satisfy these features can also command a higher price.
Buying a home has traditionally been more of an emotional decision than one based on the above-mentioned facts. Showing a client, buyer or seller, that you are concerned and knowledgeable about the “new normal” and that you really want to help them find more than a “house,” will establish you as a knowledgeable and caring professional.
At BizQuack we came up with many more factors that apply not only to real estate but to every other business. By developing each of these issues in detail, you can create your own signature marketing program which will make you stand out from the competition.
We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.Carl Sagan
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