I selected this topic for my blog today because, in my opinion, a CPA is in the best position to send a qualified referral to a wide variety of businesses. Most CPAs appreciate a referral but not many of them are in the practice of just giving someone a referral because they sent them one.
CPAs tend to be cautious by nature, and their biggest fear is that you’ll do something to hurt their relationship with their clients. Consequently, everything you do to gain referrals from CPAs has to center on building trust.
There are several paths to earning trust:
- Become a resource for information with the idea that they can build stronger bonds with their clients.
- Target a niche market. By doing so you bring more perceived value and real value to their clients.
- Take the time to explain, in detail, the benefits you provide to their clients.
On an average, it takes nine to twelve months of courtship with a CPA to begin creating a productive referral relationship. Like with many other worthwhile endeavors, many small business owners want instant gratification and are not willing to work that hard for so long.
“Getting referral from CPAs is a long-distance run, not a sprint. Let the CPAs you approach know that you’re in it for the long haul, that you won’t do anything with a client who you can’t help and that you’re willing to walk away from an engagement that isn’t right for the client.”
Referrals from CPAs are among the very best type of referral. Their clients trust them and because you were referred you have instant credibility. Properly nurtured, a relationship with several CPAs can become one of your best sources of new, qualified clients.
Part of this blog is from author Bill Cates who wrote Get More Referrals Now.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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