Social media is alive and well and has produced amazing results for thousands of small business owners. There is, however, a secret ingredient that you must add to social media and that is consistency and frequent posting fueled with quality content.
Unlike a small business owner who proudly shared this morning that she gives tips about her business on LinkedIn twice a month, posting valuable information on social media should be at least an every other day activity. Another caveat, social media is not a one site posting. A free search will tell you what social media sites are the most popular with your target market; chances are you will be posting on two or more sites.
At a recent networking seminar another owner said that she does not have time to post on social media. She spends all her work time taking care of clients. I challenged her by asking how often she goes to networking meetings and her answer was “at least 4 times a week”. She was attending this seminar because she still needed business. My recommendations were as follows:
- If you have too much business but aren’t creating the cash flow you need, and don’t have time to market then you should:
- Hire someone to help
- Review your time management skills
- Track your source of new business. If your frequent networking sessions are not providing the results you want, then change your marketing strategies.
- Stay up a half hour later and devote that time to a social media campaign.
I am becoming more and more convinced each day that a social media marketing campaign is essential for small business growth. If you noticed the term, “marketing campaign,” that implies a well-structured and well thought out process, not a haphazard posting.
As with everything else, you can’t be everything to everybody. Outsource your social media campaign if you don’t have the time or inclination to do it yourself.
The secret is to take action now!
Tips and advice by Nick Petra – CFO, Mentor, and Founder of StrategicDuck and BizQuack
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