CHANGE IT UP – Give Your Website A Face Lift
A new smart phone comes out every several months; a new car with new bells & whistles is sitting on the showroom floor. Clothing styles change. The menu at your favorite restaurant is changing.
There is also one basic business tool that also has to change, and that is your website.
Your business is in a constant state of change; perhaps your customers are looking for some changes in you. Are you keeping up with the latest trends in your profession? Does your website offer more than your competition?
Are you currently getting a lot of new business as a result of your current website? If you are not getting the desired results from your website, then change it.
Websites don’t just convey information about your product or service, they also convey a mood, a feeling that your customers are looking for. Your website not only has to be enticing enough to get a prospect to spend more than a few seconds, but it has to promise to deliver a benefit that your prospect needs and wants.
The creation of a website is both a hassle and an expense. Many small businesses try to save money by creating the least expensive website possible and then saying, “Well, I have my website up I am finished with that part of my business.”
The website is the window to your business. How do you want to be seen? Do you want to be a Ferrari or a mini-cooper? You want people that visit your website to not only buy your product or service, but to tell others about it.
Take a look at your current website. When is the last time you updated it from a visual point of view? Your website has to be in harmony with the needs, wants and desires of your customers and prospects. I recommend a website do-over at least once a year, unless you are getting all the business you can handle as a result of your website.
“Progress is impossible without change.”
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, and founder of BizQuack and Strategic Duck
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