In a typical small business, work usually fills the majority of a day leaving little or no time for other growth functions such as marketing and “head clearing”. Too many small business owners eat lunch at their desks or entirely skip a lunch break. An analogy of how time is wasted is when you have a deadline and you complete a full day’s work in several hours.
Start a new trend: in your appointment calendar show yourself as being “out of the office” for an hour and 15 minutes every day. With that completed now book yourself as doing one of two things during this new-found time:
- Call a customer, prospect, supplier, or another business owner and book a lunch. Do this at least a week in advance. There are many topics to talk about such as: how and what your business is doing; to find out how you can be of service to the other person; to talk about a vacation or your family or tell about a need that they can help you with.
- The second option, to be used at least once every two weeks, is to go to a quiet place, away from your place of business, with a pad and pencil and just daydream about your business.
By doing this you will find out several important things: first, you still were able to complete the work that needed to be done. Second, you re-enforced some connections in your personal and business life and third you were able to spend some time thinking about your business instead of working in it.
Work on this for at least three months; you will see a positive difference if your business.
“More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject..”
– Peter Drucker
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