Your challenge this week is to determine what needs a change in focus.
In the course of growing your business there are a multitude of things that require your attention. For the most part, we form an image of the desired results as we focus on a single item.
Your brain has a built in mechanism for finding patterns you’ve programmed because of where you’ve put your attention.
Whether you focus on an upcoming conversation or a different marketing approach, your mind will challenge itself to seek solutions and innovations to make that focus a reality. There is a caveat; not all the focuses we concentrate on will become a reality. The secret is to know when to shift your focus; success, in many instances, depends on how easily and rapidly you can refocus when it’s necessary to do so.
In today’s rapidly changing environment you must be ready to act when something grabs your attention or excites you. That usually requires a change of focus, leaving something behind and focusing on something new.
Refocusing is a skill that has to be developed. It’s all about letting go of a non performing action; re-evaluating the problem, and shifting your focus, envisioning a new solution.
A short exercise to help you make this challenge yours:
- What is your biggest problem or issue right now?
- What is your focus or image of that issue?
- Are you willing to drop any thoughts you have on this issue?
- Can you relax and envision a successful outcome to that problem and then, based upon your vision, re-focus your mind so that it can be open to new solutions?
Sometimes a win comes as a result of knowing when to let go and letting your inner self re-focus on another path.
We have only seen the tip of the iceberg as far as changes that we will be challenged with in the next few years. Knowing when and being willing to change direction may be one of the greatest challenges small business owners will face.
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