TC: Branding Yourself and Your Business
There is a lot more to Branding….
Small business now must take the branding process as an important part of growing a business. A brand is the difference between a cup of coffee from a fast food store and a Starbucks.
What is important to understand is that the process of developing a brand is no longer just developing a logo, or a company name; it has to encompass the entire organization. Everything that a business owner is and does is related to brand development.
The following is the beginning of a check list for developing a brand for a small business owner:
- It starts with the way you dress
- The way you answer the phone
- The logo you use
- A name tag
- The “story” you tell
- The marketing material you use (brochures, pitch deck, etc.)
- The way you sign your e-mail
- The way you deliver your products and services
- Your customer follow-up
- Your vision statement
A question to ask yourself: “if a stranger were to shadow you for a day, would he/she know what you stand for?” Your Tuesday Challenge for this week is to develop your own check list for branding yourself and your business and start the implementation process.
The Tuesday Challenge includes a regular review of your vision and implementing steps to get there. Make sure that your Accountability Tracker becomes part of your daily business life. Review Maximizing Your Membership accessible through your dashboard, to learn how to use BizQuack to build, profit, thrive, and survive.
Good habits take 90 days to form. Use your form for 90 days and you’ll be amazed by your progress!
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