I often ask prospective clients “What is your burning passion”?
- What excites you so much that you don’t want to stop working on a project?
- If you could do anything in the world, what would you be doing?
- What would cause you to lay awake nights thinking about future possibilities?
Small business owners without a burning passion for their business are, in my opinion, 90% of the way to failure. I can see it in their unwillingness to spend the extra effort to work “on” their business instead of “In” their business. I see it when they keep business hours between 9 & 5 and then try to go home early.
I can see it when they expend little or no energy on business improvement by way of education, peer group participation, or structured networking.
I see it when they don’t use the tools available to them or when they don’t want to create good habits.
I see it when I speak to small business owners who are looking for instant gratification instead of accepting that growing a successful business takes time, structure and self-discipline.
I can see it in their eyes, their lack of excitement when they speak about their businesses.
Your challenge this week is as follows:
- Take an inward look and determine if you are working in an area that you are very passionate about.
- Write down what your passion is and whether you are working in your passion.
- Make a list of commitments that you are willing to make to yourself to make 2018 the year that your business becomes your passion
- If you are passionate about your job and want to make 2018 a success, call and set up an appointment with me to discuss your 2018 passion implementation plan. (there is no charge for this session for BizQuack members)
I will be able to tell by your response to my request as to how passionate you really are about your business.
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