Your challenge today is to write down the most important action you can take which will benefit your business the most.
Next, write down all the steps you have to take before you implement your important action.
Now consider how a building contractor or an architect works. While they both know that the details are important, they don’t start worrying about the colors of the paint or what type of tile goes in the bathroom. They can work out those details later. The important thing is to start on the basic structure and to eliminate unnecessary details that can be completed at a future date.
If you are like most people, you have generated a long list; and as with most long lists, they are never completed. Take a look at the steps you felt were necessary to implement your action item. Now, eliminate all the steps that can be completed at a future date.
Select the one, two or three items that are necessary to launch and then start the action.
Details don’t have any benefits at the early stages of a new action item. Small business success is predicated on implementing action items as fast as possible. After the start, you will be better able to see what needs more attention.
Many great business growth ideas are lost in the details. Put your business on the fast growth track.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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