Growing and running a successful business requires dedication to learning about and using the unique tools that are necessary to Build, enjoy a Profit, have it Thrive and finally Survive.
The small business community makes a tremendous impact on the economy of our Nation. They employ just over half of the country’s private sector workforce, represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms and generate a majority of the innovations that come from United States companies.
However, there is also a downside to small business ownership. Depending upon whose statistics you follow, 50 to 80 percent of all small businesses will fail. As an example, in 2008 there were 627,200 new businesses, 596,600 closures and 43,546 bankruptcies. Imagine how great our country could be if we can eliminate a portion of the failure rate.
Welcome to the BizQuack Community!
Our goal is to provide each of our members with the tools necessary to build a profitable and sustainable business.
The best way to take advantage of all the features available to you as a member is to read this tutorial in its entirety. We recommend that you also print this tutorial and keep it as a desk top reference as you learn and implement the BizQuack support system.
Because change is the only constant in our lives BizQuack will strive to provide you with the latest, cutting edge, business methods and information.
BizQuack members are part of a unique business community. Each member agreed to our code of ethics and is asked to support their fellow members by sharing their expertise and patronizing their businesses whenever possible.Our mission statement “No Small Business Left Behind Belong – Believe – Succeed” encompasses all small business owners from the start-up to the commission sales person, and the single entrepreneur to those hiring staff to reach the next phase of their business. We are proud to provide support to each and every phase of the small business life.
We encourage you to share the BizQuack membership opportunity with your business associates. The more we grow and support one another, the bigger the positive difference we can make on our nation’s economy.
With my Best Wishes for a successful trip to the top of your mountain!
BizQuack Pathway to Success Tutorial
Tuesday Challenge
Member Chat Room
BizQuack Market Place
Ask the Duck
Daily Marketing, Financial and Management Tips
Idea Reference Library
One of the most important steps towards growing a successful business is to take time to work ON your business instead of IN your business. One of the highlights of the BizQuack process is the Tuesday Challenge, which emphasizes this important step towards building a sustainable business.
To fully engage yourself in the Tuesday Challenge it is recommended that you set aside two hours every Tuesday morning. In your in-box will be a New Tuesday Challenge for you to review.
The goal of this exercise is to draw attention to possible cracks in your system or to remind you of something you already have implemented but have forgotten about it.
It may not be possible to make the necessary adjustment to completely implement new ideas as presented in the Tuesday Challenge in the allocated two hours. Do as much as you can and know that it is something that has to be addressed on an ongoing basis.
It is important to make these two hours a time of no interruptions of any kind. If you don’t have such a space in your home or office, use your local library. Not every challenge is one that you need for your business. In such a case, use those two hours to continue to work on a previously selected but not completed challenge.
The Accountability Tracker can be found in the Tuesday Challenge section; it is under the introductory sentence in this section.
Download a BizQuack Accountability Tracker worksheet every week. Write your company vision or your company WHY in the top space of this form. This statement is your vision for the future of your company; this is the place you want to arrive at some future point.
On the second space, write down the single most important accomplishment that you can achieve this week to get you closer to your vision. With this weekly goal in mind, each morning make a list of three things that you can do today to get you closer to your goal that day. At the end of the day, check off those that you have completed.
The Accountability Tacker has been purposely designed to be a “hands-on”, paper and pen process. By writing down your long term vision and then listing what you have to accomplish in the next five days, you will be able to focus on making forward progress and not get “bogged down” in daily acclivities that are commonly known as time wasters.
Keep the current week’s Accountability Tracker in front of you all week. Each Tuesday place the completed sheet in a lose leaf binder. This record of your work and accomplishments will be an important timeline for future growth.
Good habits take 90 days to become permanently entrenched into your daily routine. By making this a daily habit, your road to success becomes shorter and safer.
One of the best sources of support for successfully growing a business comes from other business owners who are willing to share their pains and gains.
BizQuack has provided an opportunity for discussion among our members through the Member Forum. This is where you can start a discussion group on a topic that is pertinent to your business or to ask questions of other members.
This is not a place to sell your products or services, but you can share information in your area of specialization which can affect other members.
As you participate in this venue you will get to know other members and perhaps, at a future date, establish a profitable relationship.
Members are encouraged to support each other. A strong, vibrant community can only form if each of us reaches out to the rest of the community and supports them when we need products or services.
This easy to use marketing opportunity is accessible from your Dashboard. Post your current business offering and change it as often you wish.
The BizQuack Market Place serves as an additional marketing tool to present your Unique Value Proposition, products or services to our members.
Encourage other businesses to join our BizQuack community and share their expertise as well as their products and services.
You are never alone as a member of the BizQuack community. Ask the Duck provides an opportunity for you to ask a private question that pertains to your business and to receive an answer from one of our strategic partners (mentors and coaches).
Just click on the Ask the Duck tab and enter your question. The person answering the question will not have any further contact with you unless you initiate it.
There is no such thing as a “dumb” question. There are no limits to the topics as long as they pertain to improving yourself to better your business, building processes and systems as well as any other business topics that concern you.
Your BizQuack membership is designed to be a “hands on process”. It is a reference and support source for all the different components that will help you grow a successful business. As a constantly changing information site we recommend that you start your day by signing into BizQuack and reviewing the daily additions and challenges or refer to past marketing and management posts.
Take a look and see what your fellow members are up to on our chat room and check out the market place to see what new products and services are available.
Perhaps it’s time to take a class in one of our four categories: Marketing, Finance, Operations, and Management. Questions are always welcome and Ask the Duck is always there, waiting to help you with a specific issue.
Outreach to your fellow members is highly encouraged. Use the QuackWorking process as a way to learn more about other members and how you can work together to grow your businesses.
Always check your in-box for special announcements from BizQuack through our monthly newsletter. New features will be introduced, and our monthly book recommendations, with easy access to purchase on Amazon, are a staple in all our newsletters.
Be on the lookout for live education sessions and unique peer to peer mastermind meetings.
Develop a success habit by starting your business day with BizQuack .
No business can grow to reach its full potential without building on the support and expertise of others. Change is the only constant in our daily business lives; and with so much information being thrown at the small business owner, it becomes almost impossible to separate the useful from the useless.
BizQuack has made an effort to sift through the clutter of educational resources and only present material that is easily understood, impactful and necessary.
Much of the educational material presented in this section is written by our staff. It includes educational material that we have presented to other groups as well as material that has been written exclusively for BizQuack.
We have also selected, for inclusion in this section, Thought Leaders whose educational material is on the leading edge of innovation, supporting small business growth.
Four days a week, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, you will receive in your e-mail inbox a short business idea which has been carefully crafted to stimulate action in a new direction or to enforce an existing one.
Mind Stagnation is a symptom that frequently afflicts small business owners. While not all the ideas presented are applicable all the time, you will have a library of creative business ideas to refer to when the time is ripe.
One of these short, less-than-a-minute, mind stimulating thoughts may be just the one your need to propel your business into the next level.
Make it a habit to read this on a daily basis. Remember that dozens of great, past business tips are exclusively available only to our members.
No matter what business you are in, you are in the people business. Establishing working relationships with the “right” people is part of the business growth process.
At BizQuack we have redefined the traditional “networking” system by introducing a structured system that we believe is far more effective.
The steps are as follows:
- Go to the BizQuack market place or the membership list and select a member that serves the same target market, with either a service or product that you serve.
- Set an in person meeting with that member.
- Take time for each of you to share your story;
o How you got where you are
o Why you are doing what you are doing
o Share something personal method, Family, Recreation and Dreams - Explore possibilities of working together including sharing contacts; make joint presentations, and any other ideas that may develop.
- Agree to add each other to your primary data base communication list.
- Make a contact with each other at least 2 times a month.
This contact system gives you a one-on-one opportunity to build a solid relationship and to understand how you can work and profit together.
If you follow this process at least once a week, you will end up with 50 new, worthwhile, business relationships upon which you can build. Like any other habit it takes work to implement this system but after a few months you will understand the value.
Be open to invitations extended by other BizQuack members who would like to meet with you. Remember, you are not making a cold call, but reaching out to someone in your business community.
Invite your closest business friends to join you in the BizQuack community; you will be sharing something that will help them grow their businesses.
Every Month you will be receiving the BizQuack News in your in-box. Please take the time to read it carefully as it will contain important information on such topics as:
- New features that we are looking to add to our community.
- Live events on which you can participate.
- External events that may impact your business.
- Member success stories.
- Plus other stories selected by the BizQuack
Unless it is an emergency, the BizQuack News will be our primary method of communications with our members. Suggestions for topics to be included are always welcome. Please send your e-mails to