Take a few minutes and reflect on what you could have done, either differently or more of in 2018. Think of things that may have increased your bottom line. Did you give up on something too soon? Did you fail to follow up on a good idea? Did you fail to follow the 40% marketing rule that BizQuack advocates? Do you still believe that you alone have all the answers to grow your business?
The last half of December should be a very intensive work time. It is the time that you can pick your top one or two goals (action items) which will take you closer to your vision. Looking back on unused opportunities is a good place to start the action item selection process.
Once you have identified what action items you need to implement next year, the following systems and procedures, when implemented, will help you make it your best year ever.
✤ Find and hook-up with an accountability mentor. Commit to meet at least every other week for an hour for the entire year. My experience tells me that this action item will bring the biggest possible return.
✤ Having and maintaining a data base management system is the second most important item to implement. Keeping track of prospects, current customers, referral sources, and establishing a consistent communication system (an 8 touch process) will also yield positive bottom line results.
✤ Include the following in your marketing: blogs, website (updated), social media presence, e-mail, networking, print marketing material and personal contact (both warm and cold calls by phone and in person). Systematize your 40% marketing time so that you can establish habits.
No, I did not mention budgets, the necessary financial aspects of business growth. By having selected your action items and by adopting these three key strategies, the return on your investment is well worth the “finding” of the money for implementation.
The key to making all this happen is called DISCIPLINE.
Your business is like a tree, if it doesn’t grow it will die.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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