New business as well as a steady flow of referrals is based on the strength of your WOW.
As a small business owner you should always be developing and improving your WOW factor.
“Nowadays, we are drawn to people, products and processes that can be described as impressive, engaging, memorable, even head-turning, jaw dropping, or spectacular.” I found this statement on line in an article written by Ron Carroll.
I like to add another thought to the creation of a WOW factor and that is to take the lead in your industry and be innovative.
Keeping in mind these 8 highlighted words, take a look at the following:
- How do you present yourself?
- When you dress?
- When you speak?
- When you first meet people?
- How does your marketing material measure up?
- Business cards
- Brochure
- Tag line
- Website
- Communications
- What does your follow-up material consist of?
- What is the frequency of your “touches” for current clients and prospects?
- Leadership
- Are you the innovative leader in your industry?
- Do you have new products/services?
- Are you improving the features and benefits of existing products/services?
- Do you impress with the knowledge and expertise you have in your industry?
- Step out of the box and:
- Dazzle the Senses. (use sight, sound, smell, touch and taste)
- Tease or arouse curiosity.
- Customer service
- Always go the extra mile.
- Back up your words and actions with proof: testimonials, and compelling facts and statistics.
Never lose sight of a need for a powerful WOW. Nick Petra
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