Small business owners are, above all else, entrepreneurs with many ideas and a desire to implement them all right now. I have emphasized the need to focus, and have received feedback asking why they shouldn’t do more than one thing. When I ask how much progress they are making, the usual answer is “some, but I could make more if I was pursuing more income producing avenues”.
I remember a story I heard about a donkey that was both hungry and thirsty. He found himself halfway between a bucket of water and a bucket of food. The donkey couldn’t make up his mind, looking at one and then the other. Eventually, the donkey died of thirst and starvation.
The answer is yes, you can do everything, but first have the patience to select the best idea and work on it until it can survive on its own and then start work on the next best idea. Short term thinking sometimes produces a fear of not accomplishing everything and thus not accomplishing anything.
When someone tells me that they are “super busy” and hardly have time to finish their work, what I hear them actually saying is that they are disorganized, can’t manage their time and lack focus.
As small business owners we always should be the “change leaders”. Change is the only constant in our lives, but every endeavor must be given the opportunity to succeed before it is abandoned. As you are currently working on your number one “focus”, write down other ideas as they come and save them for a future time. These ideas become your treasure chest, to be opened as a reward for having successfully completed another undertaking.
Nothing is impossible and everything is possible if the passion and focus is there and the time is allocated to achieve the vision.
The bad news is time flies. The good news is Your the pilot! Michael Altshuler
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