In this high tech fast paced world new words and terms are introduced every day. As small business owners we try our best to keep up with all the latest jargon. I have to admit that my 11 year old grandson has a vocabulary that is over my head a lot of the time.
Small business success is often thought to be linked to an ability to keep up with all the latest trends, some we call disruptive technologies; others social trends that can change demand for a product or service overnight.
My goal today is to introduce you to three words that will never grow old and which will gain the respect, admiration, and trust of your prospects. I also believe that these three words are the most powerful conversation methods to turn prospects into clients and to increase your client retention.
There is a caveat associated with these words. Their use is powerful only when you truly believe in what they stand for; their use has to originate from your heart.
The first word is CARE. That means that you should care for all people. Just by smiling and looking others in the eye, you are telling them that they matter to you. This cannot be a selective process, it has to apply to everyone you come in contact with. The right time to make a personal contact will happen, you just have to be ready.
The second word is ASK. Don’t tell people something, ask them a question. My favorite question is “How can I help you?” People (your prospects) are getting tired of being told what they should buy, when they should by it and why. Everyone has a story to tell and they are eager to share their story, to share their pains and gains.
The final word is LISTEN. Stop trying to convince, just try to connect. Your job is not to persuade them but to walk with them and learn about their needs. We memorize so many “presentations” that we fail to listen. You will know when it’s time to bring forth your benefits even though it may not be at your first meeting.
Long term success in business requires a caring heart, a mouth to learn by asking questions and your ears to listen.
Who would have thought that business success now and in the future will rely so heavily on these three words.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, and founder of BizQuack and Strategic Duck
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