Just because you have started your business and perhaps are having some success does not mean that you have done all that is needed.
Foundations can shift and thus they have to be monitored. New ideas are developed and new tools become available. A small business is always in a state of growth with change being the only constant.
Just as your vision and values do not change, your business core foundation should not change but you should always make sure that the core is solid and each foundation building block is up to date. The following is a look at the contents that makes up a solid foundation.
Have You Had A Shift in the 6 Basic Elements?
- Vision: While your vision is the core that drives your entire business, it is still worthwhile to re-examine your vision and see if it is necessary to “tweak” it.
- Target market: A target market is always in a fluid state. Needs change, technology changes, and consequently your target market will experience change in their pains and gains. Understanding the current pains and gains is essential for continued growth.
- Your Value proposition (USP) will solve the pains that your target market has as well as enhance their gains. This is the basis for your marketing outreach.
- Is your WHY the same?
- Does your story need an update?
- Revisit your complete branding package
These six topics form the foundation upon which all your internal and external systems and actions items are based. Your business has to grow and change, thus an ongoing review and strengthening of your foundation is essential.
A new tab is being created in the education section, Vision Based Business Plan, and all six of these topics will be available for you to use as an ongoing guide. It is highly recommended that you review these six steps every year to make sure you are still on track.
Yes, new sessions are being developed and will be added as we update our website during the next few months. Other new formats and features are in the development stage and we are very excited about providing these tools to help you grow.
As always, your input is always welcome as we continue to bring you the very best small business support system on the market.
“Monitor your business foundation.
Always be prepared for a minor shift.”
Tips, Information, and Advice by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, Founder of BizQuack and Strategic Duck.
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