I found this prayer in a book published in 1962 titled The World of Business Volume IV. It was written in 1957 by Robert Katz, a member of the Harvard Business School. It’s a great prayer to keep in front of you as you grow your small business.
Grant me the self-awareness to know honestly what I am, what I can do and what I cannot;
Grant me the judgement to channel my energies into those avenues which best utilize my abilities and do not require talents which I do not possess;
Grant me the wisdom to admit error cheerfully and learn from my experiences, that I may grow and develop and avoid repetition mistakes;
Grant me the humility to learn from others, even though they be younger, less experienced, or of humbler station than I;
Grant me the courage to make decisions whenever they are necessary and to avoid rashness when they are not;
Grant me the sensitivity to judge the reaction of others that I may modify my actions to meet the needs of those affected;
Grant me the consideration to recognize the worth of each individual, and to respect all those with whom I have contact, neither stifling their development not exalting myself at their expense;
Grant me the perspicacity to acknowledge that I can be no more effective than my subordinates enable me to be, and to deal with them so that they can help me by helping themselves.
Grant me the tolerance to recognize mistakes as a cost of true leaning and to stand behind my subordinates, accepting my responsibility for their actions.
Grant me the insight to develop a personal philosophy, that my life may have more meaning and satisfaction and that I may avoid capricious action under the pressures of expediency.
Grant me the patience to live realistically with my circumstances, striving always for the better, but recognizing the perils of too rapid or too drastic change.
Grant me all these things, dear Lord, that I may live a more useful life through serving my fellow men, and, through them, serve Thee.
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