A good definition of marketing is the use of time and money to create a story and to spread it. Unfortunately our prospects don’t make rational decisions, they make emotional ones and those decisions are influenced by the time and money spent by those doing the marketing.
Social media now tells the small business owner that they can now compete with the very largest competitor, at no cost, by using social media. The truth is, to get noticed on social media there may still be a cost factor. Just merely having a presence on the internet does not mean that you are marketing your product/service; you still have to market your difference, your edge over your competitor.
The following 6 items are the ways to marketing success:
- Have a budget – don’t run out of money: From the branding process which includes your logo, colors and tag line to the incorporation of these items into your web site and all your printed material you are going to spend some dollars. Remember, it always takes longer and costs more than you expect when you are introducing yourself and your business to your target market.
- Mistakes will happen: As we discussed on our TRACTION session (can be found under marketing on your BizQuack Dashboard) not everything will work and the validation process which leads to the right marketing methods may require a lot of wrong moves before the right ones are found.
- The easiest and most convenient marketing method may not be the right choice: Just because someone wants to sell you a well packaged advertising/marketing package, doesn’t mean it is your best choice. The testing and validation process is your best marketing selection process.
- Marketing involves risk: If you are nervous about the risk involved in a specific marketing method, that may be the one you should try.
- Successful marketing requires study: BizQuack offers many marketing ideas as is also available in books and by studying how other companies have succeeded or failed in their efforts. Marketing methods are in a constant state of change and by studying you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel.”
- Focus, always focus: Focus on your differentiation. Market to your niche.
You are responsible for the success of your business, and your marketing efforts usually determine how well you do.
Be Brave! Get out of your comfort zone and make something amazing happen!
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