As small business owners, we sometimes have to work really hard to maintain the enthusiasm that was present at the start of our business. The excitement of starting something new and the anticipation of overwhelming success starts the adrenaline flowing.
Then reality hits; starting and growing a business is hard work with a lot of “ups and downs”. The vision which was so clear and was targeted as a smooth ride became a little muddled.
Excitement and enthusiasm are two essential attributes that are needed to help a small business owner persevere. While working with hundreds of small business owners I found that a setting a goal and establishing a reward when that goal is reached will help rekindle that excitement and enthusiasm.
The secret to solid business growth is having a lot of success and rewards, knowing full well that there will always be “failures” (learning lessons) as the business grows.
If you have a clear long term vision, an annual goal and then create small weekly goals that lead you toward your yearly goal and to your vision, now it becomes easier to establish a reward system for each step.
At the beginning of the week, think of a small reward that you will give yourself if you reach your goal. Likewise, think of a larger reward if you reach your yearly goal. For example, if your yearned reward is to buy a new car if you reach your goal, then select the car you want and post a picture in your office.
My year end reward this year is a 14 day cruise. I had my wife pick the cruise and told her that we will purchase the trip as soon as we reach our business goal. I now have both support and accountability provided by my wife. My weekly reward, if I reach my goal, is to buy a new book. I hope that I can hit at least 50 books this year.
Sharing your goals helps make them real and also it helps you to work smarter and harder.
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