Went to an Alpha retreat this weekend and among the many things that I came away with was the following line:
“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”
Although it was not a business retreat, this message resonated with me as something that I have heard countless times in the business world. Too often a small business owner when starting a business or as he tries to grow a business, a successful person is lifted up on a pedestal, and the goal is to be just like that person.
No two people are exactly alike nor do they have the same vision and strengths. The secret to success is to develop your positive attributes. That includes the things you like to do as well as those that you don’t. Each of us has certain strengths that we can develop as well as weaknesses that we have to overcome.
A great place to start this inward look is by doing an honest self-evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses, both of yourself and those of your business. Include such things as time, financial position, family and friends support, business knowledge, a mentor to help you walk the journey as well as a long hard look at your personal commitment.
I have a one hour session that takes a person through this inward journey. I will make available to the first 10 people who call me at 602-989-1592 or e-mail me at a FREE, private workshop to find their own strengths and weaknesses.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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