TC: Change up your website!
Your challenge today is to find the statistics for your website. How many visitors have you had? Need to know how much business you actually actual received as a result of your website? Find stats at google analytics or website host company may have it built in.
There are several things in question here:
► How is the traffic to your website? How much has it grown in the last 4 months?
► What are you doing to drive traffic to your website?
Does your landing page deliver a compelling message? Without the right message your website does not function. Ask several people to critique your site.
All your marketing material needs to be reviewed for its effectiveness. It does not matter how good it looks. It’s not the pictures that will bring you business, it’s the compelling content.
Compelling Content is content that sells.
► It unearths a pain that your target market has.
► It presents a valuable solution which drives your target market to take action.
To accomplish these results you have to:
► Know your target market.
► Make the message emotional.
► Show your benefits in a clear and concise language.
► Create urgency.
► Create an efficient call to action.
This marketing challenge is one that should be reviewed every six months in order to check the efficiency of your website.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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