Nobody talks about a boring business.
Getting referrals is all about people talking about you, and people won’t talk about you if you are boring. If you are not excited about your business how do you expect others to get excited? If you don’t differentiate yourself by what you look like, or what you do, you won’t be remembered.
People talk about a movie they saw or an article of clothing that someone was wearing. They talk about an exciting sports game or a restaurant they visited. Talk is all about making a positive and lasting impression on others so that they talk about you and your business.
Removing the boring label requires:
➊ Talking differently: Be excited about your business. Have a compelling, memorable story to tell about yourself and or your business.
➋ Dressing differently: There are many options to choose from in this area. It could be the color of your clothes or the design of your logo and its placement on your clothes. Your presence is a marketing opportunity, take advantage of it.
➌ I am an advocate of wearing your name tag with your company name, your name and a tag line whenever possible. You will find that people will want to talk to you and to find out what you are all about.
➍ Use a unique “give-a-way” with your company name, your name and vision (if room allows). People will remember a unique gift even if it isn’t expensive. Because of the shelf live that impactful give-a-way has, it deserves to be allocated for in your marketing budget.
➎ Have a memorable gathering. Not just coffee and bagels or wine and cheese; add that something extra like a local entertainer or a recognizable guest. I remember one party years ago where we were given a small pine tree to decorate and then take home and plant. My tree is now 30 feet high.
There are many books and sources online which share ideas of how to attract attention to yourself and your business even on a low budget.
Once you “tag” yourself and your business as something memorable, stick with it and you will become better known and, yes, you will get more referrals and new customers.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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