Monday morning is the perfect day to correct last weeks mistakes! GOOD MORNING!
All my blogs along with seminars, books and other business instructions will not help you achieve profitability unless you have the right mindset.
In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote:
Whatever The Mind of Man can conceive and believe it can achieve
At a meeting I heard a speaker say, “Your thoughts and beliefs and actions got you to where you are today, so are you happy? If not, you need to make a change”. The question that has to be answered is how to make such a change.
Not all small business owners are happy. They thought of a business to start and now should be “living the dream”. Unfortunately, doubt, fear, anger, pessimism, uncertainty and a host of other negative thoughts enter their minds as they go through the always-present growth problems. All business owners as well as mangers have experienced these downturns. You cannot let a bad day affect the entire month nor can you let a bad month affect an entire year. A business life is filled with ups and downs; and if you keep a negative mindset, chances are only negative things will happen.
A positive mindset is something that can be created and maintained, but like all other good things it has to be a goal which requires ongoing hard work. The following are a few suggestions that I offer for your consideration:
- Spend time with positive people
- Read positive books
- Write down affirmations that you aspire to achieve (I am an incredible business owner, my business will be very successful, etc). Put them on your bathroom mirror so you can review them every day.
- Find a supportive positive mentor
- Reach out for positive support when alone and negative thoughts occur. This can be accomplished via phone, skype or in person.
A positive mindset yields more energy, more ideas and a better relationship with customers.
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. Norman Vincent Peale
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