There are many different connotations associated with a “Little Black Book”. In this case, I want you to create the most powerful black book possible by following a few suggestions. Yes, these names can be kept in an actual black book, but they can exist on your smart phone so you can always have it with you.
Our goal in this exercise is to create a list of the 10 most powerful people you know who can meet all of the following criteria. (Yes, each person should qualify for all the items listed below)
- People who can make things happen for you.
- A person you can call at 2 am if your car breaks down.
- People who are eager to go to lunch with you and may even offer to pay.
- People who know what you do and why you do it. In other words, they know both you and your business.
- People that you have reached out and helped.
Growing your business does not have to be a “solo” effort. These ten people are the most likely ones to help you get your business to the next level.
In presenting this concept to my clients I often find that they cannot come up with a list of ten such people; in some cases, the list stops at one or two. Like anything else worthwhile doing some effort will be required.
It is easy to compile a list of 10 or more people who meet at least one of these requirements. Start with that list and select the person who you would like to become a member of your Little Black Book. Get to know that person and perhaps you can establish a black book relationship. Continue working on your list until you have achieved your top ten.
Your little black book now becomes your support book and the key to making new connections. Make sure you stay in touch with this group at least twice a month. Birthday cards, anniversary cards, a copy of an article about something happening in the community, an invitation to a theatre, a sporting event, etc. can be ways of staying in touch.
It is possible that in the future you may wish to add to or replace a black book member. My recommendation is that 10 should always be your maximum number.
P.S. I hope to make a place in your top ten list 🙂
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