Most small businesses struggle to create a suitable tag line. The following are some suggestions to help you create the best tagline for your business.
What is a tag line about? The most important thing to remember is that a tag line has to be about the pain you solve. A tagline is not about you! Your target market is looking for a solution to a particular problem; your tag line has to be the answer.
A tag line is not your brand essence: ` Don’t try and make your tagline convey everything about your company. At Strategic Duck, our brand essence, our duck logo, is the support that ducks give each other and the support we offer our clients.
A tag line cannot feature all your benefits: The purpose of a tagline is to arouse a prospect’s interest, allowing you to make the sale when they ask for more information.
A tag line does not covey everything you do: It should not be a shopping list of everything your company sells. A tagline can, however, highlight your best service or product.
A tagline is not a vague promise about the outcomes you sell: Avoid words like “solution” or “profit”. Your tagline should just convey what you do.
A tagline does not have to be unique: Your tagline may be similar to one of your competitors if the message is recognized in your target market community. Your tag line is not there to differentiate you, that is the job of your brand name, key messages and brand services.
In a new business, your tagline should convey to your target market that you have what they are shopping for. Important questions: Where is your tagline going to be used? Is it going to be on your office door or the back of your business cards? As a new business, your logo and or name may not have enough recognition to convey what you do, so your tagline may have to be included with your logo and name.
Spend some time creating your tagline: ask your peer group, friends and customers to share their impressions before making a final decision.
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