The following are quotes from last Sunday’s newspaper:
“Technology will change (or take over) tasks that humans do now.” “We are moving into an era of extensive automation and a period in which capitalism is just simply not going to need as many workers. It’s not just automating in manufacturing but anything with a service counter: grocery stores, movie theaters, car rentals…and this is now going to move into food service, too.”
I keep getting hit with these statements from a wide variety of sources; people I talk to, magazine and books that I read, the internet etc. At first it appeared that we, as small business owners, are going to face a difficult and uncertain future.
I look at this new era not as a threat as much as an opportunity. In the same article the following statistic was quoted: “In 1900, 41% of American workers were employed in agriculture, but by 2000, automated machinery brought that number down to just 2%.” The world did not come to an end; people adjusted and moved forward. I have to admit that this coming change is going to be a little more radical, but the same principal applies. If you know it is coming, then you can prepare; you can lead the change.
The three, immediately visible, change agents are: artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and 3-D printing. I am sure that there will be many more in the next few years, but this is a good place for you to start your education. Fortunately, the internet has a lot of material on these three subjects. I recommend that you spend 10 to 15 minutes a day searching for information on these topics (one at a time). As you read the articles think how you can adopt this new technology to your business, or how it may affect your business.
Buy three notebooks, one for each topic. As you find something of interest, print it and insert it in a notebook. Fifteen minutes a day in this endeavor will put you head and shoulders ahead of many other business owners. As you continue this process you will find things that you can apply to improve your business.
I am always available to get a group together to discuss possible changes once you have learned about these items. The best place to start is with a discussion group within the BizQuack Community.
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates
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