Success in a small business is in direct proportion to the amount of follow thru that an owner has.
A human trait is to focus on things that are easy to do and on those that don’t have the possibility of conflict. As a business owner you should start your day by tackling the issues that you least want to face.
Tedious work such as maintaining an updated data base, sending out a monthly communication, writing a newsletter, posting your income and expenses at least on a weekly basis, sending out 10 personal handwritten notes each week, keeping an organized desk top and allocating 30 minutes a day to online marketing are, in my experience, the most often neglected necessary duties that have to be performed.
In the second group of the things most small business owners put off I placed: calling a disgruntled customer, making cold calls, calling a late paying customer, terminating a “nonproductive” employee or vendor.
Eventually, some or most of these duties are completed but, most often, only when they reach a critical stage in the life of the business and only after a lot of stress and anxiety is placed on the business owner.
The formation of good habits is critical to future profitability and sustainability. I recommend starting each day in front of your BizQuack dashboard. Read your daily blog, reach out to another member and schedule a meeting to share stories (once a week), review what other members are offering in the market place, and share a comment. This is usually a 15 minute or less process.
Next start working on the items I mentioned plus those that you have added to the list. The benefit of this structure is that you get all your “must do, but don’t like to do” work finished by mid-morning and the rest of the day you can spend marketing and paying attention to your existing clients.
Yes, I understand that things can happen to disrupt a schedule; that’s ok. The secret is to get back on track as soon as possible. By adhering to a program such as this, you will become more productive, feel less stress and your bottom line will grow.
If you want it, work for it. It’s that simple!
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