The rest of the sentence is “qualified to do”. The term” not qualified” can be interpreted in many different ways. Most frequently I find this term used when my older clients are talking about social media marketing. I believe that they find comfort in using this excuse and thus justifying their lack of social media marketing and, consequently, their inability to grow their businesses.
The most important aspect in growing your business is doing things that you are afraid of, or feel “unqualified” to do. This includes making cold calls, giving speeches, learning a new software program, writing an article, volunteering to hold an office in an organization, etc. etc. I am sure that each of you can add a lot of other “fears” to this list.
The old cliché “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is still given as an excuse for non-performance.
As a small business owner, especially in the early start-up stage, the cash flow isn’t there to hire experts in all the different disciplines needed to grow a business. The solution requires a commitment as well as a positive “I can” attitude.
From your list of select the one which, if mastered, will have the biggest impact on your business. Write down what the result would be if you overcame your “fear” and successfully implemented this step into your business.
Be prepared to be bored (at least when you first start the new learning process). The work will be tedious and instant gratification will not happen. A commitment to excellence takes time, but I can share a story about a client who said that social media was something he could never master. I asked him to select one social media outlet and to concentrate on learning it. He selected LinkedIn and worked hard for 3 months, following a process we worked out together. At the end of 6 months he increased his bottom line by 28%, all from his LinkedIn efforts.
Don’t let being “unqualified” on paper, keep you from trying something new. Learning is a lifetime journey! BizQuack
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