A very important marketing tool is a collection of testimonials from current and past customers, business acquaintances, community leaders, your vendors and even friends. The best time to ask for a testimonial is when you feel it is the right time.
The reason I add others besides current and past customers, is because when a business is getting started there may not be a lot of customers to ask. You will never have too many testimonials in marketing toolkit.
The asking process and format is also important. Yes, we want the name of the person giving the testimonial. Adding a company name is better and a picture makes it even more personal. A video testimonial is more powerful to add to your web site than a written one.
There are a lot of character traits that can be addressed by those that have not been direct customers. Included in that list are: honesty, punctuality, knowledge, accountability, commitment and leadership. It has been my experience that most people can put together a testimonial about you, but if they ask for help, you may show them what others have said or written.
Your challenge today is to gather 10 testimonials by the end of the week. Once that goal is reached you should strive to add one new testimonial every week.
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