As a small business owner one of the most important things to be aware of is your own value and skills. Having faith in your abilities and skills is needed in order to communicate your true value to your clients and prospects.
Growth stagnation is a hurdle that a growing business always has to be on the lookout for. Challenges such as difficult clients or a “bad day” of prospecting can lead to a lack of confidence in your own value and skills.
As kids we were told to get back on the bike if we fell. It’s the same thing in business. The only way to get through growing pains is to take action and make something happen.
The following are several ways for overcoming obstacle to success:
- Concentrate on your marketing. Start with a good client and check up on their well-being. Next, go to a networking meeting or make a “cold call” and share your vision and story.
- Reach out to your peer group, your mentor or a good friend. The majority of small businesses are one person operations and being alone is one of the easiest ways to get into a downward spiral.
- Review your Vision and Why. Remind yourself why you are in business and then read your value proposition. These three parts of your business plan are the ingredients that are meant to inspire and motivate you.
Last but not least is your ability to reach out to a BizQuack member or to the “Duck” and schedule a meeting. Together you can develop a positive action plan for the next week and follow it up with an accountability meeting. This process has been successful as a re-energizing boost.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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