“Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”
What a great definition! I would insert the words “small businesses” somewhere in the definition in order to emphasize what our country needs now.
I am concerned with the growth of the very large corporations in our country. I have nothing against large business but feel that we must have a mix of both the very small businesses as well as the very large. I don’t want to see a future where all or most of the work force is under the direction of a few, very large corporations. The spirit of innovation as well as the pride of ownership is embodied in the success of small business owners.
Our nation was built upon the backs of many small business owners who provided products and services to their communities. Their success or failure was solely a factor of how hard they worked and there was no other guarantee. Failure was not a choice and when a small business owner was “hurting,” it was the community that came to its rescue.
The “I can” mentality has to be rekindled. Today a person that wants to start or to grow a small business still has the opportunity to accomplish their vision as they had several hundred years ago. The key to success is called “hard work & a belief in one’s own ability to succeed.” Handouts and other giveaway programs along with a feeling that we are owed or entitled to success without having to work for it is slowly eroding the basic core upon which our nation was built.
We have to spread the word about the importance of small business success. In addition, we must support and encourage small business owners and those that have no other work option, other than starting a business, about the benefits of small business ownership.
A few of us have to start this movement. BizQuack was founded to provide a foundation, but it cannot do it without your help. I know it’s hard to step out of a comfort zone or to stop hoping that someone else will take care of you. Let’s buck the current trend, raise our voice and by our actions show what is possible.
I will keep spreading this message every chance I have and hope that some of you will reach out to me so that together we can turn this big ship around.
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