This past week has been a hard week for many small business owners who are facing the reality that no one can predict the severity or longevity of the corona-virus. I put out my questionnaire to several of my contacts and have been pleasantly surprised with the number of responses and the honest sharing. (If you haven’t responded, please look at the Tuesday Challenge for 3.31.20. and send me your answers.)
Next week I will invite all those who responded to schedule an online meeting with me to discuss possibilities and to share ideas.
Now let’s focus on our headline today, Let’s Celebrate! Worry and bad news has a way of negatively affecting our mental and physical well-being. The best way to move forward is to take a look at all the blessings that you have and then to celebrate those blessings. Next to each of the following topics write only what is good in each category:
- Family
- Health
- Spirituality
- Friends
- Your business
- Your home
- Future opportunities
With these good thoughts on your mind start by planning special meals for today and the rest of the weekend. If you are alone, reach out to a friend and share a virtual glass of wine or other favorite beverage.
TV is OK in moderation; select a good movie or show to watch every day. To that add an outdoor activity every day. Remember the good times, pull out your photo albums or videos of great vacations and share the experience. Make several calls to friends and relatives or maybe write a few letters. Card and board games are another great way to add to the celebration.
Make this your celebration weekend. Monday we will start working on re-inventing our businesses with a fresh and positive attitude!
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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