Not to make light of the Coronavirus, but we cannot crawl into our shells and wait for it to disappear. We have choices. We can stay tuned to the news 24 hours a day and wring our hands as more and more bad news is showered upon us or we can become a beacon of light for clients, prospects, and also for ourselves.
Change is the only constant in our lives and, although unexpected, it’s another challenge that we can tackle.
For at least the next week I will endeavor to examine opportunities that each of us can implement which will help us become that “Beacon of Light”. All BizQuack blogs will focus on this topic.
To help me with as much positive content as possible I am asking each of you to share ideas on how you, as a small business, can navigate in this environment. Please think about this over the weekend and e-mail me your thoughts by Sunday evening. (
For starters, a newsletter to your database (past clients, current clients, referral partners, prospect and friends) reassuring them that you are optimistic and available to help them in anyway possible.
This is a great time to do some “out of the box’ thinking. Remember how I always stress doing something extra; this is your opportunity.
I am available to listen to your concerns and to share ideas on how to grow in this environment. The worst thing for our businesses, our communities and our nation is to stop being leaders.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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