Last Friday I mentioned that I would concentrate on ideas that will help us grow our businesses in the coronavirus environment. There exists a “panic” mode in this country. My daughter went grocery shopping this afternoon and many of the shelves were empty. Church attendance was down Sunday morning, and my usual e-mail chatter is almost non-existent. Local and national news are focused on the bad news but if you step back and take a hard look, the majority of Americans are still working and they still need our products and services. The worst thing we can do, both for ourselves and our businesses, is to go into a “business hibernation” mode.
Our “marching statement” for this week is “How can I help you?” The second part of the message is one of focusing on the positive; spend your time sharing the good things not the bad news that is being fed by all the media.
If your “in person” networking or giveworking(TM) opportunities seem to have disappeared, now is the time to use alternative means of connecting. I believe that in the long run you will be able to connect with more people in a more meaningful way during this crisis.
Our main communications outlets, other than in person, are: e-mail, social media, texting, video conferencing, blogging, telephone, and snail mail. Work from the following list (which all of you have):
- Current customers
- Prospects
- Past customers
- Other business owners
- Competitors
- Family and friends
Create a script. In addition to asking how they are doing and how you can help them, have your positive story ready. Remember that you should be spending 40% of your time marketing, so start reaching out. Please don’t focus on friends and relatives just because they are easier to talk to. Reach out to a few of each of the six suggestions on a daily basis. Use the appropriate method of communications for each outreach.
What a great opportunity to show your leadership and caring nature!
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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