What do THEY need?
One of my favorite authors, Seth Godin, wrote the following on our topic today:
- “Impatient: Great marketing takes time. Doing it wrong (and rushed) costs much more and takes longer than does doing it slowly, but right, over the same period of time.
- Selfish: We have a choice, and if we sense that this is all about you, not us, our choice will be to go somewhere else.
- Self-absorbed: You don’t buy from you, others buy from you. They don’t care about your business or your troubles nearly as much as you do.
- Deceitful: See selfish above. If you don’t tell us the truth, it’s probably because you’re selfish, How urgent can your needs be that you would sacrifice your future to get something now?
- Inconsistent: We’re not paying that much attention, but when we do, it helps if you are similar to the voice we heard from last time.
- Angry: At us? Why are you angry at us? It’s not something we want to be part of, thanks.
- Jealous: Is someone doing better than you? Of course they are. There’s always someone doing better than you. But if you let your jealousy change your product or your attitude or your story, we’re going to leave.
Of course, they’re not marketing sins, they’re human failings. Humility, empathy, generosity, patience, and kindness, combine with the arrogance of a brilliant inventor, are a potent alternative.”
I remembered reading this by Seth Godin and it reminded me of the expectations some small business owners have, and that is instant positive result. Developing and implementing a good marketing plan takes time and effort, but in the long run it will produce the desired results at a faster rate than by doing it in a hurry, but wrong.
Another very important consideration is where and how to spend your marketing treasure, time and money. There are a lot of marketing options, but unless you know where your target market is looking for information, you will not succeed.
Take the necessary time and the needed research when developing a marketing plan.
Remember, it’s not what you think your target market wants, but what they think they need.
Tips and Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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