Multi-channel Marketing
Focusing on one or even two marketing outlets is not a wise move. I am often told that the reason some small business owners advertise in a certain magazine or on a particular social media platform is either because it is the one that reaches the biggest audience or because they have received some business. Just because a particular medium has a large audience or you received some business in the past, does not make it your best option.
Marketing to large markets and receiving little or no response does not mean that you should continue doing the same thing. In my opinion, smaller, targeted markets often produce better results and should be a part of an overall marketing program. In marketing, diversity is the key.
In my session, Get Seen & Get Heard (found in the education section on your BizQuack Dashboard, under the marketing tab) I cover the 3 parts that make a complete marketing program.
- You as a person
- Online
Within each of these three areas there are hundreds of options. In order to be a successful marketer, you have to meet your customers where they want to be met. That requires knowing your target market and testing all possible options. As an example, search for social media sites; you will find that there are a multitude of industry specific sites as well as general sites that you may have not heard of before.
Your target market also watches TV, listens to the radio and podcasts, uses apps on their phones and goes to movies.
The message today is to encourage you to expand your thinking and to diversify your marketing, and yes, to always track your results.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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