We are all in the people business. Developing meaningful ongoing relationship with others is one of the main ingredients for growing a profitable and sustainable business.
So many small business owners have a stack of business cards that they have collected over the past few months and years, which may be worth Thousands of Dollars, but unfortunately the names on those cards are not even remembered.
I heard that during the life of a small business, an owner may have contact with over 10,000 people.
Almost on a daily basis I meet owners of existing businesses who have no communication with their past customers /clients after the initial service is completed or product is sold.
One of the most valuable assets that you, as a business owner (or commission sales person), own is a fully functional data base management system.
In my opinion an ongoing building of a relationship data base management system will become your main marketing and business source.
Yes, in this digital age we must also consider the data base which is initially started and developed online.
You will learn:
· the components that make up a relationship data base management system
· how to grow your data base
· how to maintain it
· how to make it work for you
If you can only attend one session on growing your business, make it this one.
Data Base management January 28, 5:30 pm at the Scottsdale Civic Center Library, Eureka Loft 3839 N Drinkwater BLVD
Call me today and let me know if you plan on attending .602-989-15292
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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